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Multimedia EditorHigh school students from the region converged on Brenau University for one day to learn dance from faculty and outside professors, see current student works and get a sense of what the Brenau University Dance Department has to offer.
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Multimedia EditorAs part of the Day of Dance experience, highschoolers watched current Brenau University students perform som works in progress to see what the experience of a college dance course is like.
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Multimedia EditorParis Hawkins, a Brenau University dance major, performs along with a group of high school dancers in attendance at this years Day of Dance event.
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Multimedia EditorThe Gainesville Ballet also performed a couple of dance pieces to all in attendance at the Brenau University Day of Dance.
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Multimedia EditorHigh school students from the region converged on Brenau University for one day to learn dance from faculty and outside professors, see current student works and get a sense of what the Brenau University Dance Department has to offer.
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Multimedia EditorCasandra Alvarada, a visiting assistant professor of dance at Brenau, leads a group of students in jazz dance class at during this year's Day of Dance.
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Multimedia EditorAmanda Bonilla, a Brenau University dance student, talks with high schoolers during this years Day of Dance event at Brenau University. "It's extremely essential to have (our) students there," said Casandra Alvarado, a visiting assistant professor of dance at Brenau. "Whenever I was looking for colleges when I was younger, It's kind of nerve racking just talking to faculty and adults. Our students are more on their age level and can really talk to them about what the college dance experience is really like."
Multimedia Editor
Multimedia EditorHigh school students from the region converged on Brenau University for one day to learn dance from faculty and outside professors, see current student works and get a sense of what the Brenau University Dance Department has to offer.
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